Climate Change Theatre Action
Climate Change Theatre Action 2021

The EcoTheatre Lab produced a Climate Change Theatre Action 2021 event with ISU Theatre. The production toured throughout the Ames community from September 20th through October 16th. Touring locations included the steps of ISU Parks Library, the ISU South Library Lawn, the Ames Main Street Farmers' Market, the Play Ames: Imagine Your City community engagement festival, the Octagon Art Festival, Ames Public Library, Ames Middle School, and Ames High School. Performances were accompanied by a climate action resource fair, community engagement opportunities, and The EcoTheatre Lab's The Art of Climate Planning exhibit.
See more information about the international Climate Change Theatre Action initiative here and more about The EcoTheatre Lab's and ISU Theatre's 2021 production here.

Climate Change Theatre Action 2021:
Partners and Climate Action Resource Fair Participants
ISU Theatre
The EcoTheatre Lab
ISU MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment
International Climate Change Theatre Action Initiative 2021 (CCTA)
Ames Climate Action Team
Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
ISU Climate Reality Campus Corps at ISU
ISU Parks Library
ISU Office of Sustainability/Live Green! Initiative
Ames Public Library
Ames Main Street Farmers' Market
Community Engagement Living Lab and Play Ames: Imagine Your City
Octagon Center for the Arts
Ames High School Earth and Space Science Classes
Ames Middle School Science Classes

Resource Fair Participants

Ames Bicycle Coalition
Ames Climate Action Team
Ames Food Waste Diversion
Ames High School CAUSE
Ames League of Women Voters
Ames Planeteers
City of Ames: Sustainability and Climate Action Plan
City of Ames Smart Watersheds
Climate Reality Camps Corps at ISU
Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
The EcoTheatre Lab
The Green Umbrella
Iowa Environmental Council
ISU Recycling Services and Zero Waste Initiative
ISU Student Government Sustainability Committee
MFA Program in Creative Writing & Environment
Mustard Seed Community Farm
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Prairie Rivers of Iowa
Sustainable Agriculture Student Association
Women, Food, and Agriculture Network
Youth Climate Action Team